I know we can upload data to our GMail account using plug ins in FireFox,What if i say you can have a GMail Drive Right in your Windows Explorer. Few days back i say a WindowsAndMe TV commercial mentioning Sky Drive. I thought why Google is not offering it and i realized that i have a GMail drive in my Explorer but never used it (my foolishness) i searched for it on google finally i used this link to update my GMail Drive from Softpedia.
"Official Version
GMail Drive
Copyright 2004 - 2008 by Bjarke Viksoe
GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual drive in the Windows Explorer, allowing you to use your Google Mail account
as a storage medium.
It allows you to do basic file manipulation, such as copy and delete, on files inside the GMail folder. Because it is a Shell Extension,
the interface you work in is Windows Explorer itself.
GMail files are physically stored as e-mails on your Google Mail account. The files are stored in mail attachments, and the filename and
file information (such as filesize) is stored in the message subject line.
GMail Drive has already been installed on your computer. All you need to do now, is to browse to the GMail Drive entry under your
My Computer folder in the Windows Explorer.
GMail Drive - Gmail Shell Namespace Extension
Copyright(C) 2004 - 2008 Bjarke Viksoe bjarke@viksoe.dk"
download the Zip file from link above install it---> log in---> Copy-Paste(upload) that's it
But it has few limitations like "files will clutter up your Inbox folder, you may wish to create a filter in GMail to automatically move the files (prefixed with the GMAILFS letters) to your archived mail folder." as mentioned in Softpedian opinion it automatically prefixes gmailfs so create a filter. I know most of the people will know. Settings ---> Filter--> Create filter Type GMAILFS in Has the words option and don't forgt to select skip the inbox(archive) create a new label and select Mark as read if you wish. Also i think you can't upload files above 20MB (attachment limit) i tried a 25mb file it showed error time out.
sponsored by AKM Jewels
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